inorigo Hotkeys
Model Builder General
Temporary Matrix
Navigator/Search Panel
Application Builder General
Expression Editor
Expression Editor (Web)
CTRL + O | Open by ID |
CTRL + F4 | Close current tab |
CTRL + SHIFT + F4 | Close all tabs |
CTRL + N | New unit – if any unit is already opened in a tab, CTRL + N will per default create a new unit of the same data type. If no unit is open, CTRL + N reveals the new unit menu. |
CTRL + S | Save changes to current tab |
CTRL + SHIFT + S | Save changes to all tabs |
CTRL + SHIFT + C | Create copy of unit in current tab |
CTRL + R | Revert unsaved changes to current tab |
CTRL + D | Delete unit in current tab |
CTRL + B | Bookmark |
CTRL + M | Toggle to Application Builder – if module is already open CTRL + M tabs to Application Builder. If not it opens the module. |
CTRL + C | Copy To copy and paste inorigo units, such as associations they need to be pasted to a field that accepts units of that type. |
CTRL + V | Paste To copy and paste inorigo units, such as associations they need to be pasted to a field that accepts units of that type |
CTRL + X | Cut To copy and paste inorigo units, such as associations they need to be pasted to a field that accepts units of that type |
CTRL + MOUSE1 | Select Multiple Units |
SHIFT + MOUSE1 | Fill down/up selection from first selection |
CTRL + SHIFT + MOUSE1 | Fill down/up while keeping current selection |
CTRL + E | Open current matrix in Excel |
CTRL + D | Fill down Fill all cells in the current selection with the value from the top cell for each column |
Shift + Ctrl + D | Fill down Series
Up / Down / Left / Right | Move between cells |
Enter | Move to the cell below |
Tab | Move to the cell on the right |
Page Up | Move to the topmost cell |
Page Down | Move to the bottom cell |
End | Move to the last cell on the current row |
Home / Click in row header | Select all cells on the current/clicked row |
F2 / Double Click / Click first character | Edit Cell |
Delete | Deletes values in selected cells |
Select row header + delete | Deletes Row (as indicated in row header, save temporary matrix to confirm unit deletion) |
Ctrl + R | Reloads units |
Ctrl + S | Saves all units in the temporary matrix |
Ctrl + E | Export the matrix to Excel. |
CTRL + C | Copy to copy and paste inorigo units, such as associations they need to be pasted to a field that accepts units of that type. |
CTRL + V | Paste to copy and paste inorigo units, such as associations they need to be pasted to a field that accepts units of that type |
CTRL + X | Cut to copy and paste inorigo units, such as associations they need to be pasted to a field that accepts units of that type |
CTRL + MOUSE1 | Select Multiple Units |
SHIFT + MOUSE1 | Fill down/up selection from first selection |
CTRL + SHIFT + MOUSE1 | Fill down/up while keeping current selection |
RIGHTARROW | Expand tree |
NUM + | Expand tree |
LEFTARROW | Collapse tree |
– | Collapse tree |
CTRL + O | Open an Application. To open and edit multiple applications in the same instance simultaneously; first open a new Application Builder window under Modules |
CTRL + SHIFT + O | Open a bookmarked Application |
CTRL + N | Create a new Application |
CTRL + S | Save [changes to] Application |
CTRL + B | Bookmark Application |
CTRL + F4 | Close current component |
CTRL + E | Toggle run/edit mode |
CTRL + T | Toggle run/edit mode |
ALT + S | Clear selection |
ALT + C | Calculate |
CTRL + SHIFT + D | Run Design Mirror in default browser |
CTRL + SHIFT + A | Run Application in default browser |
CTRL + M | Toggle to Model Builder – if module is already open CTRL + M tabs to Model Builder. If not it opens the module. |
CTRL + 0 … CTRL + 9 | Input: @p0 … Input: @p9 |
CTRL + G | Input: $GET() |
CTRL + I | Input: @item |
CTRL + R | Input: @record |
CTRL + Y | Input: @Y_Object |
CTRL + N | Input: “name” |
CTRL + SPACE | Opens $Functions and @Variables menu |
SHIFT + SPACE | Opens $Functions and @Variables menu |
ALT + INS | Opens $Functions and @Variables menu |
CTRL + G | Input: $GET() |
CTRL + I | Input: @item |
CTRL + SPACE | Opens $Functions and @Variables menu |