inorigo Hotkeys list

inorigo Hotkeys

Model Builder General
CTRL + O Open by ID
CTRL + F4 Close current tab
CTRL + SHIFT + F4 Close all tabs
CTRL + N New unit – if any unit is already opened in a tab, CTRL + N will per default create a new unit of the same data type. If no unit is open, CTRL + N reveals the new unit menu.
CTRL + S Save changes to current tab
CTRL + SHIFT + S Save changes to all tabs
CTRL + SHIFT + C Create copy of unit in current tab
CTRL + R Revert unsaved changes to current tab
CTRL + D Delete unit in current tab
CTRL + B Bookmark
CTRL + M Toggle to Application Builder – if module is already open CTRL + M tabs to Application Builder. If not it opens the module.

  Temporary Matrix
CTRL + C Copy To copy and paste inorigo units, such as associations they need to be pasted to a field that accepts units of that type.
CTRL + V Paste To copy and paste inorigo units, such as associations they need to be pasted to a field that accepts units of that type
CTRL + X Cut To copy and paste inorigo units, such as associations they need to be pasted to a field that accepts units of that type
CTRL + MOUSE1 Select Multiple Units
SHIFT + MOUSE1 Fill down/up selection from first selection
CTRL + SHIFT + MOUSE1 Fill down/up while keeping current selection
CTRL + E Open current matrix in Excel
CTRL + D Fill down Fill all cells in the current selection with the value from the top cell for each column
Shift + Ctrl + D Fill down Series
  • Integer – each new row is increased by one integer.
  • Double – each new row is increased by one integer (decimals are not increased)
  • Date – each new row is increased by one day.
  • Date and Time – each new row is increased by one day (time is not increased).
  • Strings ending with a numeric value – each new row is increased by one integer. 
    Note! To have nice sortable alpha numeric values, pad your initial value with leading zeros, they will be honored!
Up / Down / Left / Right Move between cells
Enter Move to the cell below
Tab Move to the cell on the right
Page Up Move to the topmost cell
Page Down Move to the bottom cell
End Move to the last cell on the current row
Home / Click in row header Select all cells on the current/clicked row
F2 / Double Click / Click first character Edit Cell
Delete Deletes values in selected cells
Select row header + delete Deletes Row (as indicated in row header, save temporary matrix to confirm unit  deletion)
Ctrl + R Reloads units
Ctrl + S Saves all units in the temporary matrix
Ctrl + E Export the matrix to Excel.

Navigator/Search Panel
CTRL + C Copy to copy and paste inorigo units, such as associations they need to be pasted to a field that accepts units of that type.
CTRL + V Paste to copy and paste inorigo units, such as associations they need to be pasted to a field that accepts units of that type
CTRL + X Cut to copy and paste inorigo units, such as associations they need to be pasted to a field that accepts units of that type
CTRL + MOUSE1 Select Multiple Units
SHIFT + MOUSE1 Fill down/up selection from first selection
CTRL + SHIFT + MOUSE1 Fill down/up while keeping current selection
RIGHTARROW Expand tree
NUM + Expand tree
LEFTARROW Collapse tree
Collapse tree

  Application Builder General
CTRL + O Open an Application. To open and edit multiple applications in the same instance simultaneously; first open a new Application Builder window under Modules
CTRL + SHIFT + O Open a bookmarked Application
CTRL + N Create a new Application
CTRL + S Save [changes to] Application
CTRL + B Bookmark Application
CTRL + F4 Close current component
CTRL + E Toggle run/edit mode
CTRL + T Toggle run/edit mode
ALT + S Clear selection
ALT + C Calculate
CTRL + SHIFT + D Run Design Mirror in default browser
CTRL + SHIFT + A Run Application in default browser
CTRL + M Toggle to Model Builder – if module is already open CTRL + M tabs to Model Builder. If not it opens the module.

Expression Editor
CTRL + 0 … CTRL + 9 Input: @p0 … Input: @p9
CTRL + G Input: $GET()
CTRL + I Input: @item
CTRL + R Input: @record
CTRL + Y Input: @Y_Object
CTRL + N Input: “name”
CTRL + SPACE Opens $Functions and @Variables menu
SHIFT + SPACE Opens $Functions and @Variables menu
ALT + INS Opens $Functions and @Variables menu

  Expression Editor (Web)
CTRL + G Input: $GET()
CTRL + I Input: @item
CTRL + SPACE Opens $Functions and @Variables menu
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